
Hotel rooms

Hotel rooms are located on the second floor of a building with a meeting room and banquet hall. The rooms are cozy, custom design, comfortable home.
Why here? For example, you will have a business event that lasts for you - two days.The meeting in the conference room, coffee breaks, lunch in a restaurant, and work again in the conference room.

You are tired, want to rest. We suggest not to waste time on the road and will not leave, because your room is right above your head. You will be able to fully relax, and in the morning, after breakfast, continue to actively participate in the event.
And if you're here in the banquet hall and have family or corporate celebration, in the evening, you will not be in a hurry, quietly climb up to your room. Guests are satisfied, the staff are inspired for further works. It is very convenient!

Rest rooms.

In a separate building, which is located near the cottages, there are restrooms. Here, rooms smaller than in a building with a banquet hall, the comfort and coziness, like in the whole complex, the silence, as in the cottages. If unsure what to choose, just call us and we will tell all detail.